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About Us

SurplusByDesign was started in 2007 with a commitment to providing the ultimate value to customers in consumer electronics! We work hard to offer low prices, high-quality products, and outstanding customer service.

Our team of dedicated people do everything from sourcing, testing, listing, and shipping product, as well as answering customer inquiries to make your experience one of the best.


We gather our inventory from retailers all over the country! We do not drop ship items from China.


Each unit is tested by our own A+ certified technicians. This includes computers, MP3 players, monitors, cameras, and all other kind of electronic items.

We test and grade each item, so you know what to expect when you buy from us. We test functionality of each unit to ensure it works.

If a unit is factory sealed, we do not open to test it, but sell it as a new item and allow our customers the fun of unboxing their new toy.

Product Photos:

Listings on SurplusByDesign use stock images, not photos of the actual unit that you are going to receive.

Because we sell units in various states, it is important that you refer to our condition grading system. Some of our items are new, some have been previously enjoyed. We do our best to let you know what grade is and we take this grade into account when pricing items.

Customer Service:

We know that you can't put a price on customer service, and we know that you expect nothing but the best. At SurplusByDesign, we are committed to meeting and exceeding your expectations! We try to answer every inquiry, however, please appreciate that we have limited office hours, and can't always respond immediately. 

Our office hours are from 8:00am - 2:00pm (EST) Monday to Friday. Within these hours, we will answer your questions as quickly as we can. If you have a question on a weekend, or in the evening, please understand that we cannot be always at the computer to answer your questions, but we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Contacting our customer service is only done through our online chat, or send us an email at